November 22, 2007

exhausting week

Wow. This week has been exhausting with insane amounts of work and next week promises to be worse - with a combination of case work, social activities and a big trip coming up at the end of it. In a way, this is teaching me how to do time management better than ever before!

I'm hitting the bed early tonight, need to catch up on some sleep and recharge for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently subscribed to your blog. I just found it today and started from your first post in 2006, when you decided. You offer a lot of very good insight, especially about the GMAT.

I recently decided to pursue my MBA. I feel that I am handicapped because I am deciding this so late in life. I got married after college and never pursued a full time career. Now my marriage is over I am having to reevaluate my life and believe that I need my MBA.

I still need to study for the GMAT. I am wondering if you know if one is at a disadvantage if you do not apply in round 1?

Also, do you think I should put it off and work first? I feel that I am just getting older and am affraid to put it off, but also do not want to be at a disadvantage due to lack of experience.
